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An Angry Rith Addresses The Anarchs.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:00 am
by *kitteninablender
The Changeling Rith Fiddir addresses the Rabble in the Bottle and Jug. He appears to be quite furious.

"Greetings, my Brothers. Greetings. Many of you may not know me, but I know a great many of you. I have fought alongside you, bled alongside you, even if I have not always worn the face you see now...

Rith's form would then shift into a series of different shapes. As the Anarchs looked on they might raise their eyes as suddenly they would see a "brother" that they had fought beside, yet never knew their true face. He would become a Beggar, a Warrior, a Healer, an old woman, a young man, and a various series of other shapes.

"The Red Death have always declared war upon us. But now, it's gone too far. This is not war. This is GENOCIDE. Their Self-Righteous Crusade against us has claimed the life of a Ally...

...a Friend.

Kaori died as she lived: In Defiance of Tyranny, in Defiance of Oppression. She stood up for us, and she spat in the eye of corrupt authority wherever it roamed.

She died for her beliefs. Died for us. Died for a cause greater than herself. We should honor that.

The Red Death have sent us a message. And that message is that they are NOT afraid to walk RIGHT into this Hive....into our BUSINESSES, into our HOMES, where your CHILDREN sleep and do WHATEVER they want to us. And THEY have the audacity to call US Animals..

Let me tell you something about the Mercykillers, brothers....they call us Rats. They call us criminals and animals. But it is ANIMALS who violate our space, break into our homes, and slaughter our friends and our families!"

Rith, his eyes literally red like fire, gazes around the room. He allows this to sink in for a moment. In his anger he has quite literally shapeshifted fang like mandibles, an indication of his rage.

["The Mercykillers...they are animals. And when an animal becomes too Rabid, when an Animal grows too big that it cannot be contained, and grows out of control....

...the animal gets put down. Hard."

Rith's form would shapeshift one more time. This time into his father, Davoren Hellsheart, a known ally to the Anarchs in his day from time to time.

"My father, Davoren, used to shout a phrase when he ran into combat: "VAE VICTUS!" It's an old phrase, one that means "Suffering to the Conquered"

"The Mercykillers, they have tried to conquer us. Over...and over...and over. And we have always fought back. We have always persevered. Now is no different. But I am TIRED of merely "Persevering."

His eyes once again glow a red crimson, filled with righteous fury.

"They may try and make us suffer....but we will NOT be conquered. We will not fade away quietly! It is time for our would-be be conquered themselves."


An Angry Rith Addresses The Anarchs.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:00 am
by *Zahir
The girl with nick Santasara stands up and clears her throat a bit.

Nice speach. I would agree in many point, but.. We can't demostrate power if we haven't real power, we can intimidate and take ravange, if we do it right and over, without stoping halfway due the lack of resources. I speak about real resources, not about jinks but pure, flaming will. Without a real blow, the innocents will get more punishment, that I would like avoid.

... continues with sad voice...

I've been there when she was captured, beated, and killed like a stray dog. I also would like ravange, but better we flame better will suffer the hive under their intrusion. Now what we need isn't flame, but cold precise punishment. I prefer mind in that situation over blind heart. Maybe it's time to use our network in the other factions, let the red death make busy elsewhere, and when they cannot react we make them remember...

..holds for a long breath..

.. That every sister or brother here worth more then thousand of them.

...finaly sits down