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"slash Tax" Singer Arrested!

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Popular singer Ivan Kossac- better known by his stage name Malady Lord - was arrested earlier today, just prior to his first concert in the Lady's Ward.

The arrest allegedly came about after accusations of Tax Evasion were levied. Rick Von Bailin of the Fated insists that the charges were levied after a thorough investigation, and not just based on Malady Lord's hit song "Slash Tax". Von Bailin had this to say:

"Although I personally find that excuse for a song deplorable and nigh treasonous, I must point out that we at the Fated- as well as the good officers of the Harmonium - take Tax evasion very seriously, and would not make such a charge without basis." ( Really?- Editor)

Regarding the song in question, Von Bailin continued. "As I said, that song's lyrics are treasonous, yet we do not believe it worth an arrest or execution. We do however, believe that the act of listening to it or singing its versus should be a taxable offense, and am currently in talks with the Guvners about the possibility of recognizing this as law."

When questioned about the arrest, Harmonium officer Oin Hagardshammer said; "law be tha' law lads an' lasses, I d'un care how famous ye'are. An' ona personal note, y'ask me is'about time tha' this un-harmonious man-banshee be taken 'way!"

Officer Oin later retracted his comments.

Malady Lord himself was unavailable for comment.

-Article written and submitted by Jeffry Gnomenose